Nervous Conditions
Character Analysis
Each character in this novel had a story to tell and history behind their eyes. Babamukuru, Tambu's uncle, had an interesting story. He studyed abroad with his family, taking them out of their environment and enriching their lives in 'white culture'. He believes in the predominantly patriarchal society with strong opinions of woman's stand in the community. Babamukuru is a complex character that has many things going on in his life.Babamukuru
After completing his education at the missionary school he does not want to go onto higher education. Yet he finds himself at a crossroads, he knows that in order for his family to have a brighter future he must go study in England. So he brings his family with him, his wife and two children. His children are away so long that they forget their native tounge, Shona, and when they return Maiguru prevents them from dancing in traditional dances.
Babamukuru knew the risk he was taking when he left to go study abroad with his children. But he left his absorbtion on education and getting his family 'out of poverty' take him to a foreign land. His pereception is twisted on how life should be. His time at the missionary school led him to believe that without an education you would be forever poor and not make it anywhere in the world.
His relationship with other charcters are on the rocks. Especially with his daughter Nyasha, they always fight and do not get along. Tambu sees this and does not understand why they fight. In one fight Nyasha hits her father over an argument that involved a dance and innappropriate behavior. After this Nyasha becomes distant and develops an eating disorder.
Babamukuru went through a lot for his family. Many took him for granted and not really acknowledged the sacrafices he made to better them.